The operations carried out through natural channels make it possible to avoid incisions and generally do not require the use of a prosthesis.

The intervention is carried out under general or loco-regional anaesthetic (making either the whole or only a part of the body insensitive to pain). During the operation, the patient is in the gynaecological position. A urinary catheter is put in place at the beginning of the intervention.

An incision is performed in the anterior or posterior (front or back) wall of the vagina. The organs are released so that they can be repositioned correctly.

For fixing the organs, the surgeon may use the patient’s ligaments or a synthetic tissue.

In some cases, a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the womb) may be recommended. This intervention is also carried out by the vaginal track, and it can be required because of the severity of the prolapse of your uterus or a pathology (disease) of the latter. Your surgeon will tell you if such an operation is necessary.

Patients usually stay in the hospital for 1-2 days, and recovery can be expected to take about one month. During this time, one must restrain from abdominal efforts, such as carrying heavy loads or pushing hard when going to the toilet.

You will be able to walk and drive but you should avoid strenuous exercise.

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